If you know anything about classical
Greek mythology, then you have heard the story of Pandora. Pandora was the
first woman created by the gods. Created by Hephaestus at the request of Zeus,
Pandora was given gifts from the gods and goddesses. One gift she received was
a canister that we know today as “Pandora’s Box”. Hidden away in Pandora’s box were all the evils of the
Looking out at the world today it’s hard
to feel very hopeful. Read the news online or go on social media and the
stories are bleak. Recently there was a mass random shooting spree in Kalamazoo
Michigan. That was very frightening for me because I have a good portion of my
family living in Michigan and some who even live in Kalamazoo. These types of
events have become commonplace lately. Mass shootings on top of police
brutality, an abundance of guns and an increase in racism, sexism, homophobia,
biphobia and transphobia give the impression that all hope is lost.

I admit, I have felt the deep-seated
despair rising inside of me. How could you not when you see so many people
homeless, suffering, poor, in pain, being killed in movie theaters, being shot
for no reason other than the color of their skin, pro-choice, of a different
religion, or because someone with mental illness has access to a gun.
It’s so easy to fall into it.
When Pandora opened her box, she
released a plague on humanity. Exiting the box was famine, death, fear and
because she closed the box before all could exit… Hope was trapped. With all the ugly and evil released onto the
world we had no hope. We were deprived of that and if you listen to the
politicians now you would feel the hopelessness.
Yet, as I approach my 32nd
birthday, I realize that despite it all I do have hope for the future. It
sounds weird to me because as most people know, I am a pessimist. Yet I have to
have hope. I don’t get a choice. I have to have hope that the future will be a
place worth living and that the world will get better from here. Every time I
look at my three amazing and beautiful daughters I have hope that through them
the world become a better place. Even on days when I lose my faith in humanity,
they show me just how amazing they can be.
So despite it all, we must not let
hopelessness consume us. There is darkness in the world but we must overcome
that darkness with light. The more light we shine the closer we are to a better
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