I value authenticity in my relationships with
people. Authenticity in the way they treat me and others as well as
authenticity in disclosures about themselves and their lives. I do not require
that every person that is my friend or has a part in my life disclose
everything about themselves. I am not the government. I do not vet people. But
I have a difficult time trusting people who insist life is perfect for them and
try very hard to cover or mask their faults.
I like flawed
I like people that have a history or a story or two
to tell. Maybe it’s the writer in me but I feel a kinship and a trust with
people that are honest about their flaws and have no problem admitting when
life isn’t all sunshine and roses. This might seem weird, but I like to be
around people who have had struggles, issues or imperfections they are afraid
to talk about.

I can’t be around those people. The struggles I have
with bipolar disorder, my family and life in general makes it difficult for me
to be around people who I deem to be not genuine. We all have issues, we all
have problems, and we all have struggles. I spent my life being around people
who claimed their lives were perfect everything works in their favor and in
turn it made me struggle with authenticity with myself. I spent a good portion
of my life just trying to get my personality to fit.
I tried hard to hide the pain that I was feeling and
deny my depression. Because of this, I never knew who I truly was and I felt
that I was the only one dealing with the dark side of life. It worsened my
depression and it caused me to think that I was unfit on unworthy to be happy
or to be part of this world.
The best relationships for me are with those people
who are truly authentic and can admit failure, defeat and pain. They can confess
that yes they truly do not like their sister or had a difficult childhood. They
can admit that they’re having problems with their marriage, or that having kids
was much more difficult than it should be. They can admit that they used have a
drug problem or one point in life had thoughts of suicide.
The more I surround myself with authentic people, the
better my chances of being able to be extremely authentic with myself. It is
the only way that I can accept myself and learn that everybody has struggles everyone
has problems and that I deserve to be in this world just as much as anyone.
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