I was a full grown adult when I learned
to swim. Oh, I mean a full grown adult who was married with three kids when I learned
to swim. My irrational anxiety induced fear of drowning in water that came up
to my neck…water I could stand up in and it would only come to my chin kept me
from learning.
Eventually, because my kids were
learning and I didn’t want to have that fear anymore, I paid an instructor through
the city to teach me how to swim. It took a lot for me to talk my brain out of
panicking every time I entered the
water. I learned to float on my back and it took another two weeks before I could
learn to float on my stomach.
One thing I noticed every time I went
for lessons was that my swim instructor would always jump into the water. She
jumped in without a care in the world. I on the other hand would ease in gently
still afraid of going completely under water.
I realized that the way I entered the
pool was how I entered my life. I was never spontaneous or adventurous. I was
always cautious. It also reminded me when I played poker in college. I was
incredibly good at Texas Hold ‘em poker but I was still very cautious. My
husband was the “I’m all in!” type and I was more “let’s just bet a little at a
time” type. I never wanted to take a substantial risk.

My goal is to purposefully make the
decision to do something not in my little box of comfort. I want to engage in
an activity I would not normally do yet something that I would not regret. I
just got that opportunity when my friend invited me on a Girl’s weekend in Las
My friend would be driving me and a few
other ladies to Vegas in her van. I was down to have some fun without my kids
or my husband, It sounded wonderful that I would only have me to take care of
for a weekend. The trip to Las Vegas was not the anxiety inducing part of the
adventure. Oh no! The problem is that I have to drive to Santa Clarita and meet
up with my friend before we head to Vegas.
I may never have mentioned this before
but…I am TERRIFIED of driving through the mountains. I was born and raised in
Indiana. There are no mountains in Indiana so I fear driving through them.
Whenever we go to LA or anywhere in southern California, I always make my
husband drive.
My brain tells me “You are literally
going to die. You are going to fall of the mountain and die. That is your fate.”
However, I’m doing it guys. I am driving
alone to Santa Clarita and I’m going to Las Vegas. It is hard to shut my brain
up and to get rid of the thoughts of failure or doom. I live with those types
of thoughts on a daily basis but I am tired of being bored with my life and
want to jump in the pool. I want to jump in despite the fear I have.
Good for you!